This weekend was David's 30th surprise party! Amanda pulled it off, he had no clue! It was a great time a Melanie's with some delicious catfish catered by Cypress Inn! I found out last Monday that I have gestational diabetes so I can't eat any sugars or carbs! It's fruits, whole grains, meat, veggies, etc! I've lost 2 pounds in two weeks! The doctor said it was fine, but it feels strange losing weight instead of gaining right now. Last night I COULD NOT resist eating some of that catfish, french fries, cole slaw, and corn fritters so I cheated! It was so good, but I felt so bad about it I went to the grocery store today and spend 150$ on all healthy food! My poor husband...
He was in Arcadia last night during the party, which explains his absence in all of the pictures! He had a bachelorette party and 4-wheeler ride with some friends so he couldn't make it! I sure missed him! It's funny, Jon Harmon, David Hooper and Bryan Dean all turn or have turned 30 in the last few weeks! Just wanted to share some pictures that Emily took last night! Enjoy!!!